NYPA – Construction Management Smart Path Project
8. NYPA - Construction Management Smart Path Project
Role: Construction Management, Project Controls, QA/QC, Safety Services

The Moses-Adirondack Smart Path Reliability Project (Smart Path) is planned as two single circuits 345 kV transmission lines (MA1 and MA2) traveling from the Moses Switchyard in Massena, New York, to the Adirondack Switching Station in Croghan, New York. The route is approximately 86 miles long and will utilize primarily existing ROW. Lines will initially energize at 230kV until the entire length of the transmission system upgrades.

JPOW Construction Management Support includes construction oversite and coordination of all aspects of construction, including civil access work, transmission foundation construction, and overhead electrical construction.

Specific Items Included in JPOW Scope:

  • Construction Management
  • Health and Safety Management
  • QA/QC
  • Community Relations/Public Outreach